Winston has been volunteering with our Operations Crew for the past five years. He is a Paddle Canada Kayak instructor, has cycled across Iowa four times and hiked Kilimanjaro, Everest Base Camp and the Patagonia Region. An avid outdoors person, Winston was impressed with the number of trails in our area and went online for more information. As a result, he discovered the LSNT website and answered our invitation to volunteer.
A retiree from NOVA Chemicals for the past nine years, Winston relied on his work experience to assist our Operations Chair and an engineering firm develop the scope of work and an engineering design needed for the makeover of the train bridge on the Grand Trunk Railway Trail in Forest.
Being an active community volunteer is an important part of Winston’s life. While living in Trinidad he helped with forming a soccer league in his village and assisted his neighbors to build houses. Since moving to Canada, he has volunteered at Canadian Mental Health, his church and Goodwill. Along with LSNT, he currently volunteers for Bluewater Trails, and is President of the Lambton Outdoor Club.
Winston’s mindset is to find joy and satisfaction in everything he does. He contributes his services “wherever the need is.” He very much enjoys being involved with trail maintenance.
Recently, with others in our Operations Crew, he cleaned, trimmed and blazed the new loop north of the Ausable River Valley Trail. This “Helping Hands” experience was memorable for him because it provided a unique opportunity to help build a new trail.
When asked how volunteering is of benefit to him, he responded, “it provides an opportunity to give back and also help maintain the trails for others to use. I enjoy being outdoors, the camaraderie, getting to know other volunteers and many times I learn something from others.” Winston’s family fully supports his volunteering efforts. His children also volunteer, and they understand the benefits it brings to themselves and others.
Winston’s own words best sum up his perspectives on the need for community volunteers: “I am concerned that there is a trend where people are not volunteering as much as in the past. This is already having a big impact on the non-profit and charitable organizations. Long standing charitable events are struggling and even being discontinued because of lack of volunteers. My hope is that some reading this, who are able to, may start volunteering. I urge others, if they can, to volunteer with something they like or would like to learn. It can be something ongoing or single events without ongoing commitments. Volunteering has always been and will continue to be an integral part of society.”
Thank you, Winston, for all that you do for Lambton Shores Nature Trails and your community.