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HomeWinter Activities Guidelines

Winter Activities Safety Guidelines

Coordinator Responsibility:

To ensure all participants have signed an Attendance Sheet – plus a Waiver Form for non-LOC members.

To remind participants they are responsible for their own safety and comfort. To turn away participants likely to put themselves and others at risk.

To modify or cancel the intended winter activity due to perceived unacceptable risks (e.g. weather).

To coordinate vehicles and drivers as necessary for travel to the activity site. To clearly outline the driving route including any interim meeting points.

To ensure that all equipment necessary for safety (including a First Aid kit), communication (e.g. cell and/or satellite phone) and navigation (e.g. GPS, compass) is available.

To document every accident or injury incurred during the activity and promptly deliver to LOC Council.

To ensure everyone has a Passport or Nexus card (and ideally health insurance) when going to the U.S.

Participant Responsibility:

To be punctual by showing up in advance of the planned departure time at both the beginning and end of the event.

To respect your fitness and ability level to participate in the expected nature, duration and difficulty of the planned activity. To report any medical condition or other situation which may impede safe completion.

To stay safe by having proper equipment including snow shoes with underside ice claws, two hand ice picks when crossing frozen lakes or rivers, and a whistle or other sound making device. To always behave in a manner which promotes safety and avoids reckless endangerment. To report any accident to the coordinator.

To wear proper attire in anticipation of colder and wetter weather than forecast including wicking material next to skin, a second thicker warm layer, and a water/windproof outer layer. To bring a back pack to place unneeded clothing in when warm. To bring sunglasses. To carry extra dry clothes in a waterproof bag.

To be prepared for the unexpected by bringing a cell phone, maps & compass, as well as extra water and food.

To be aware of your current environment including wind and temperature conditions. To know the symptoms of hypothermia and how to effectively treat it.

Carpooling: When sharing a car ride to starting point of an LOC same-day event, it is customary to make a donation to the driver $5.00 for carpooling trips within Lambton County (or within St. Clair County in the U.S.), or $10.00 outside of those counties. Carpooling arrangements including cost sharing donations for multi-day, longer distance trips should be determined by the event leader before departure.