Looking for a getaway to explore forest trails, to enjoy the splendid Fall Colours and to walk beside beautiful lakes while spending the extra time swimming, kayaking or just enjoying a glass of wine on the dock while loons float by? Join Brenda Lorenz for a 4-night, 5-day packed trip centred around lovely Port Sydney near Huntsville.
The base will be at Clyffe House Cottage Resort situated on the shores of Mary lake. This resort has been operated by the same family since 1885. The resort offers a number of buildings which will easily accommodate the group during this period. There are 10 individual rooms. If two people wish to share a room, a maximum of 12 people can be accommodated. The resort website is https://clyffehouse.com Do not contact the Clyffe House for a reservation. Brenda/ LOC will make arrangements for those registered.
$275 per person for 4 nights accommodation subject to 10 people signing up (payment at end of stay). Breakfast & lunch is prepared on your own, Dinner will be potluck day 1 and take out/ eat out day 2-4. Full Kitchen facilities available.
Poles recommended
If you register and are then unable to attend, please cancel your registration on the website, even if at the last minute.