Info re Bill 23
Sharon Crowe | Published on 11/23/2022

I know our club isn't involved in politics but the the fact is it affects us, even those of us who want to hide our heads in the sand. If the provincial government can destroy a protected ecosystem near Toronto, it can do it to us too. Please take a moment to become informed, and take action if you can. Some links and suggestions are included below.
Bill 23 and What it Means
Things you can do include:
1) Send out all the links below and ask people to read and to share on their social media links to spread the news - this is important to get the word out.
In the two links below you will find perhaps the best summary of Bill 23 that details the dire implications of this Bill - while the big focus is around the Greater Golden Horseshoe - the legislation affects all of Ontario.
See the 7 page Joint Statement - scroll past all the names of the signatories where you will find a great
analysis of the Bill that is easy to understand - it is long as this is an Omnibus Bill so it has FAR REACH!!
Here is the Media Release you can use as a post to share:
Follow these accounts for more tweets:
2) Call / write / visit your Conservative MPP asking that the Bill be stopped - this is critical - MPPs need to know their constituents are not happy!
3) SIGN A PETITION - Here is the Environmental Defence Bill 23 Action Alert - - here people can also click on the Red Take Action Button and sign the petition. It also lists and shows a map where all the rally's are being held.