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In the News

Change in how LOC Manages Guests

Published on 3/21/2023

As of April 2nd, 2023, our system for managing guests will change.  Key differences are:

  1. Guests must take out a trial membership with the LOC prior to the event.
    • A trial membership is free, and is valid for one month, after which the only option for guests who wish to participate in our events is to join with a regular membership for one year.
    • Trial memberships are now an option for potential new members.


  2. As before, ALL attendees at an LOC outdoor event MUST register in advance for club events.  In the past a club member could register a guest, and the guest was required to complete a liability waiver.

    As of April 2nd, after taking out a trial membership guests become members and the membership signup process captures the waiver for the new member (formerly a guest).  As such they can register themselves for club events.

    This eliminates the need for other members or event leaders to be involved in the capture and forwarding of waivers for guests.


1.   Are guests still limited to a maximum of three events?

No.  With the trial membership approach,  guests will have unlimited access to LOC events, but only for a period of one month.

2.   Can people keep signing up for one trial membership after another?

No.  When their trial membership expires, they will be prompted to join as a full member.  The trial membership will not be an option upon renewal.

Once someone has joined as a member in any capacity (full member or trial member),  they are in our system.  Former members as recognized by our system will not have the option to select a trial membership.


3.   That’s fine for local persons wanting to try out the LOC.  But I have a relative who visits once a year from afar.  I’d like to invite them to join me on LOC outings while they are here.  What do we do?

For persons from out of town who visit regularly, please have them consider joining us as a member.  At $25/yr, we are not an expensive club.

For the infrequent but recurring visitor,  we can accommodate them by triggering the system to allow them to access the trial membership again.  You’ll need to contact either the Membership Chair or the Webmaster to help you with this.