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Date: 4/2/2023
Subject: Weather
From: Sharon Crowe

Netherlands 2023
It's Spring!
As I understand it, spring in the Netherlands is a lot like what we have here...expect cold but anything can happen. I think today was an example of good spring weather: five degrees celsius, windy and sunny.  Of course we'll hope for warmer, but we have to be realistic.  For me today's temperature was comfortable because I know how to dress for it.  My comfort level changes considerably if there's rain.   
I'd like to suggest you do some riding over the next week in different types of weather and at different paces, to become adept at wardrobe management, which will make a big difference to your body happiness. Getting sweaty on a ride then stopping for sight seeing or food and getting cold can spoil a lovely day.  Since riding and sweating go together more often than not, and we will be stopping for meals and sightseeing, learning the way your body works and how to adjust your clothing will contribute to the cycling holiday we're all hoping for.
Hurray for spring!  Hurray for cycling!  Hurray for cycling in the spring in the Netherlands!